They forage for all of the nectar and pollen brought into the hive, and transform thenectar into honey. They produce royal jelly to feed to the queen and young larvae.
Polyhouse farming is a way of protected cultivation in agriculture. The polyethylene plastic is used to cover the structure. It enables to cultivate high value crops(horticulture) in the structure.
Recirculating aquaculture systems or RAS fish farming methods are used in home aquarium.The main advantage of RAS fish farming system is the ability to reduce the need for fresh and clean water while still maintaining a healthy environment for fish.
An aquarium (plural: aquariums or aquaria) is a vivarium of any size having at least one transparent side in which aquatic plants or animals are kept and displayed.
Take 10kg desi cow dung, 5 liters desi cow urine, 1 kg jaggery, 1 kg of pulses flour and a handful of fertile soil. Mix all of them with a small amount of 200L water.jeevamarutham is an essential pertilizer for oganic farming.
The Fish Amino Acid (FAA) is a liquid made from fish. FAA is of great value to both plants and microorganisms in their growth, because it contains and abundant amount of nutrients .
Egg amino is used as a growth promoter.It increases the flowering of crops.
The former process is known as hulling and the latter is known as milling.paddy Shelling,De Husking,destoning and Grading Machineryes are using for making polished and unpolished quality rice and rice products.we undertake bulk quantity of paddy for the above mentioned work.
The food Industry includes: Agriculture: raising crops, livestock, and seafood. Manufacturing: agrichemicals, farm machinery and supplies, seed, etc. Food processing: preparation of fresh products for market, and manufacture of prepared food products.